Тестирование и развитие
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Testing and evolution
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Human potential is so limitless that we can move into the past with just our intention and correct the events that happened to us! We are able to mentally, at a distance, influence substances and change their structure!
We are endowed with the talent to change the vibration of the surrounding space and the people there with just our presence.
Yes, we are truly the Creators of our reality, capable of everything that can be born in our imagination... Each of us contains the codes of the consciousness of the Absolute (perfect, unconditional, unlimited abilities).

Absolute from Latin - unconditional, unlimited, unrelated, perfect - the basis of the world, the origin of all that exists, eternal and unchanging, which is understood as one, universal, beginningless, infinite and in turn opposes everything relative.

The term first appeared in ancient Roman philosophy, but became widespread only in the 18th century, denoting the category of "God, or Nature".
The Absolute is the result of generalization of all concepts.
In ancient Greek philosophy, the absolute was interpreted as the side of perfection, completeness, self-sufficiency and was expressed by the concepts of "by nature", "in itself", "in its pure form".

But unfortunately, humanity has been playing with matter for so long that at some point we began to forget about the true state of things. We stopped seeing the full picture of the world, focusing on its physical, visible, manifested part. As a result, their inner deep essence, their spiritual filling and semantic content were hidden from most of us.

We are mired in destructive programs and attitudes that arose in our subconscious based on negative, traumatic experiences. And now, instead of creating our happy reality, we repeatedly reproduce in our lives events and situations that destroy us.

Destructive programs always go against the plans of the Soul and interfere with growth and development. They affect not only the subconscious, but also our energy, taking away strength and reducing potential. Over time, when the program gains momentum, feeding on our energy, its effect can manifest itself in physics. After all, diseases are the fastest and most accessible way to show that changes are required in some area of ​​life.

Negative programs prevent us from realizing what is happening to us.
Distort the perception of ourselves and the world.
Deform the chakra system, and as a result, the entire energy structure.
Block completely or partially energy flows and connections with the Higher Forces.
Violate the integrity and functions of subtle bodies.
Redirect a person's potential to fulfill someone else's will.

Under the influence of destructive programs and attitudes, we have lost contact with the Source, and with it the understanding of where the lie is and where the truth is. Only reunification with the Creator (the Absolute, the Higher Consciousness) returns sanity, lost abilities and the ability to see the true essence and meaning of Creation to a person. In this contact, we gain true freedom, love, the joys of life, wisdom and strength of the Spirit.

Our interaction with the Absolute occurs through the transmission here, to Earth, of its codes, frequencies and vibrations. And we only need to open our hearts and accept this unconditional love and pure light energy. Those who succeed - receive bonuses in the form of gifts, talents, superpowers, knowledge, success, health, spiritual beauty and courage, to show their individuality. In addition, we receive the support of our Higher Mentors and their further patronage. ⠀
In my new course “Absolute Quantum Psychology” you will receive all the codes and keys for interacting with the Consciousness of the Absolute through your Higher Self. We will cleanse our consciousness of destructive programs and external matrix influences for a further soft and environmentally friendly Transition. After all, what we have been living since 2020 is only the beginning of our Ascension. And any Ascension is this work. And it is better to enlist the support of the Higher Forces. And then, where it is especially difficult, the Creator will carry us in his arms.

We are all now going through a kind of test for compliance with the vibrations of the New Time. And my course will help you pass these tests with dignity.
It consists of 10 lessons with true absolute practices.

The course program:
- absolute New Quantum Methodology and initiation;
- absolute quantum exercises and knowledge;
- absolute quantum consciousness and its elements;
- absolute quantum fields and objects;
- absolute quantum worlds;
- absolute mental quantum center for classes.
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